EU-UK Post-Brexit Official Documents

Brexit key EU-UK official documents are listed here for those who need easy access to the official sources. Brexit introduced customs requirements and compliance obligations to trade between the UK and the EU. These requirements are grounded in legislations listed hereafter. Quick Brexit Timeline Summaries of Legislation (EU) List of official EU-UK documents Document PublishedContinue reading “EU-UK Post-Brexit Official Documents”

UK Proof of Export for VAT

Latest update: 21 February 2024 Proof of Export for VAT is a challenging area for many exporters. It is part of the export customs compliance requirements. It is critical because a proof of export is one of a set of conditions for zero-rating export VAT. Without a correct proof of export, exporters must therefore chargeContinue reading “UK Proof of Export for VAT”

a Quick Guide to Customs Valuation

Customs valuation is the process of determining the value of imported goods. This, for the purpose of assessing customs duties and taxes. The value of the goods is the basis for calculating the amount of duty and tax. This Quick Guide to Customs Valuation introduced the rules and principles governing the value of the goodsContinue reading “a Quick Guide to Customs Valuation”

Case Study: EU Duty Free Imports with Rules of Origin

In this Case Study on EU Rules of Origin we help a client in the UK fashion and textile sector. The UK fashion sector is greatly impacted by Brexit. Shipments from the UK to the EU are suddenly subject to high rates of duty. Accurately determining the Rules of Origin of product is now criticalContinue reading “Case Study: EU Duty Free Imports with Rules of Origin”